最低处理器 |
Intel Core2 Duo, AMD Phenom II 64-bit |
最小硬盘空间 |
10240 MB |
推荐的处理器 |
Intel Core2 Duo, AMD Phenom II 64-bit |
最低内存 |
2048 MB |
平台 |
PC |
推荐RAM |
4096 MB |
Mac兼容性 |
N |
推荐硬盘空间 |
10 GB |
支持的介质类型 |
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, Win, Upgrade, IT
<b>What is Adobe Premiere Pro?</b>
Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS5.5 software lets you edit faster with true native format support. Get breakthrough performance on workstations and laptops; streamline collaboration; and boost productivity with an efficient, robust, cross-platform editing workflow.
<b>Flexible, precise, and reliable editing tools</b>
Edit the way you want with widely accepted, customizable NLE shortcuts and powerful, intuitive trimming and editing tools that give you more precision and control. Boost productivity with dual-system sound support and enhanced project exchange with Final Cut Pro and Avid software.
<b>Fast, reliable multiscreen delivery</b>
Output your work for computers, smartphones, tablets, and television with Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5. Use intuitive presets and contextual menus to set up sequences once for multiple formats, and batch encode while you keep editing.
<b>Roundtrip workflows with Adobe Audition</b>
Get a fast, flexible roundtrip audio workflow with Adobe Audition® CS5.5 software. Pass individual audio clips and multitrack mixes or complete video sequences between Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 and Adobe Audition for editing and sweetening.
<b>Direct integration with Adobe Story</b>
Speed up your editing workflow by importing scripts with metadata from Adobe Story, an Adobe CS Live online service,1,2 into Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5. Eliminate hours of routine work using Speech Search and other metadata to quickly find footage.