相机快门速度 |
1/25000 - 1/6 s |
最低照明 |
0.3 lx |
公共网络访问范围 |
0 - 360 ° |
倾角 |
0 - 170 ° |
支持网络协议 |
IPv4/v6, HTTP, HTTPS, QoS Layer 3 DiffServ, FTP, SMTP, Bonjour, UPnP, SNMPv1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS, DynDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTP, TCP, UDP, IGMP, RTCP, ICMP, DHCP, ARP, SOCKS |
网路功能 |
自转 |
340 ° |
以太网路(RJ-45)连接接口数量 |
1 |
P3343-V 12mm 10-Pack
High-performance video
The AXIS P3343-V Fixed Dome Network Camera offers superior image quality including day/night functionality and wide dynamic range, providing crisp and clear images of both illuminated and low-light areas. Remote zoom ensures that the viewing angle is optimized for the scene and required pixel resolution at installation. The remote focus function makes the installation convenient, eliminating the need for focusing at the camera position.
Optimized use of bandwidth and storage
Multiple H.264 streams, as well as Motion JPEG streams, can be provided simultaneously either in full frame rate or individually optimized for different quality needs and bandwidth constraints.
Vandal-resistant casing
AXIS P3343-V with its vandal-resistant casing, is a fixed dome specifically designed for indoor environments where discreet and compact solutions are required. It is the perfect solution for unobtrusive video surveillance in exposed areas such as airports, schools and prisons.