最小硬盘空间 |
20 MB |
最低处理器 |
Pentium |
平台 |
PC |
最低内存 |
24 MB |
CA Desktop DNA Migrator r11 3 Additional Users Dutch - Emea - Product Only
Getting a new PC?
Moving to Windows XP
CA's Desktop DNA®Migrator is the quickest and easiest way to transfer and safeguard your PC’s DNA from one PC to another.
Migrate everything unique to you on your old PC to your new PC:
- All of your Contacts and Address Books.
- Your Email, Accounts, Calendars and Settings.
- All of your Documents, Pictures and Music.
- Favorites, Bookmarks and all Internet Connection Settings.
- Printer, Network and Wireless settings.
- Microsoft Office Settings and Templates.
- Favorite Background and Display Settings.
- Shortcuts and Task Manager Settings.
- Settings for hundreds of the most popular applications.
- And much more…
What is my computer "DNA"?
Just like humans, computers are all unique as defined by their DNA. Each person modifies their PC to fit their needs, jobs and preferences, making their PC unique. A computer’s DNA consists of system and application settings, preferences and data files. These include settings that have been made to the desktop or control panel, templates and macros used in applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel, address books, Internet Favorites and bookmarks, as well as all your files, folders, pictures, music, etc.