最低处理器 |
Intel Pentium 300 MHz |
最低内存 |
256 MB |
许可数量 |
1 user(s) |
许可期限(年) |
1 year(s) |
Corporate Final Defense Lock Out License, 1-user, 1 year Track & Trace / TTL
Final Defense Lock Out gives you a very simple process to purely use the Time To Live feature in conjunction with Track and Trace in the event your computer is lost or stolen.
Time To Live allows you to set your 'acceptable risk' period; the amount of time you are comfortable with your computer NOT connecting to the Final Defense server.
The Final Defense server communicates with each active client on regular intervals. When you turn your computer off we keep track of time, so that if your computer is booted up AFTER the Time to Lve setting we can identify this.
When this happens your computer will be locked requiring the characters from your serial code to be enterred before your computer can be re-opened.
Final Defense Lock Out also gives a business the option of instigating a computer to be locked remotely so that it has to be handed back in to be re-opened.
All Final Defense needs is your computer to come online for a millisecond after you have registered it stolen and we can delete your confidential data.
Final Defense Lock Out also tracks and traces your computer in the event it is lost or stolen.