The Matrox Parhelia HR256 is a PCI graphics card for digital monitors with 9.2 MP (million pixels) of resolution (3840 x 2400) and requires no external power supply or adapters.
* 3840 x 2400 (WQUXGA) maximum resolution
* Support for 9 MP monitors including the ViewSonic VP2290b, IBM T221, and Iiyama AQU5611DTBK
* 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI card compatible with all PCI and PCI-X slots
* No external adapters and no external power supply
* 256 MB graphics memory
* Matrox UltraSharp Display Output Technology
* Multi-card, multi-display 2D/3D OpenGL and Microsoft DirectX acceleration
* Unified Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista XDDM display driver for Matrox Parhelia series graphics cards
* Matrox-certified display drivers available for leading GIS software
* Easy-to-use Matrox PowerDesk driver interface
* Display pivoting (rotation)
* Support for displays with special aspect ratios
* Support for customizable unattended installation for rapid multi-system setup
* Global sales and technical support
* 3-year warranty
Hardware included
* Matrox Parhelia HR256 graphics card
* LFH60-to-LFH60 cable (6-foot)
* LFH60-to-LFH60 cable (6-foot) with USB connector (for monitor firmware updates)
Software included
* Matrox display driver for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP *
* Matrox PowerDesk (driver interface and utilities)
*Drivers for Windows Vista XDDM available online. For other possible operating systems, contact Matrox.
Optional upgrades
* Matrox ASM (Advanced Synchronization Module) for synchronization with video input or other Matrox graphics cards