McAfee FWE-S6032-UPG

McAfee FWE-S6032-UPG

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端口 & 界面

串口数量 1
广域网接口 Ethernet (RJ-45)
千兆以太网(铜)端口数量 8


并发连接 4000000


虚拟专用网通过 500 Mbit/s
防火墙通过 15000 Mbit/s


虚拟专用网信道数量 10000
无线局域网连接 N
支持服务质量(QoS) Y
动态主机配置协议客户 Y


管理协议 SNMP v1, v2c, v3


机架安装 Y
格式要素 2U
内置显示器 N


电源 750 W




连接方式 Wired
以太网路(RJ-45)连接接口数量 8
Firewall Enterprise Appliance S6032 - 15.0Gbps, 500 Mbps VPN, 8 x 1 Gb RJ-45, 10000 VPN Tunnels, Enterprise 2U, Standard Upgrade Offering McAfee Firewall Enterprise defends critical assets, such as regulated data repositories (customer, financial, and healthcare data), email and web servers, extranets, and data centers. This proxy-based firewall also offers application visibility and deep application controls for defense, delivers strong policy-based controls, blocks the latest threats, and eliminates unwanted traffic. Firewall Enterprise identifies users and sees the host applications actually used to initiate network connections. A first for the network security industry, this unique host and firewall integration works to identify potential anomalies and threats throughout the inside of an organization’s network.

Advanced firewall security capabilities, such as application identification, reputation-based global intelligence, automated threat feeds, encrypted traffic inspection (SSH/SSL), intrusion prevention, antivirus, and content/URL filtering, block attacks before they occur. Unlike other solutions, McAfee includes these additional security services at no additional charge.

Firewall Enterprise also includes enhanced firewall security powered by McAfee Global Threat Intelligence (GTI). McAfee GTI is a comprehensive cloud-based threat intelligence service. Already integrated into McAfee security products, it works in real time, 24 hours a day, to protect customers against cyberthreats across all vectors — file, web, message, and network. McAfee GTI offers the broadest threat data, most robust data correlation, and most complete product integration in the industry. McAfee’s GTI network allows enabled products to evaluate threats on multiple vectors in real time, leading to faster identification of threats and higher capture rates. Firewall Enterprise uses the McAfee GTI network connection reputation service to identify domains, IP addresses, and ports that may be hosting malware attacks, and block those attacks. Firewall Enterprise also uses web reputation to identify URLs that may be infected or hosting malware attacks, as well as sites hosting undesirable content.

McAfee also offers proven centralized management, right-click integration with ePolicy Orchestrator (McAfee ePO) software for endpoint data and mature migration tools to move from legacy firewalls to ours. Firewall Enterprise fully supports McAfee’s SIEM solutions too, including McAfee Enterprise Security Manager and McAfee Event Reporter, providing customizable views and reports for all firewalls across a customer’s global network. This high-assurance firewall solution offers very flexible deployment options — from virtualized software to custom-built hardware to availability on the Crossbeam high-performance platform and running on CloudShield’s trusted cyber platform. Firewall Enterprise is a best fit for organizations that need high-assurance security to protect critical assets inside the network as part of a layered defense strategy.

McAfee Firewall Enterprise Control Center (sold separately) — Offers centralized, enterprise-class network firewall policy management for global-scale deployments.

Consolidate security, leverage high-assurance features

Put the network firewall in charge of security again with integrated comprehensive network gateway protection technology, including:

- Scalable policy enforcement (includes granular user and application controls)
- IP reputation
- Geo-location
- Encrypted traffic inspection (SSH/SSL)
- Antimalware
- URL/web filtering
- Antivirus
- Network intrusion prevention

Restore policy compliance in the network

Establish control over network applications and ensure alignment with compliance requirements. Allow administrators to quickly and efficiently apply application and user-based policies written in business terms (e.g., a marketing manager can access Facebook apps, but a financial controller cannot). Also, gain visibility into rules that might impact existing rules, avoiding conflicts and duplication.

Use AppPrism for application controls

Discover, control, visualize, and protect thousands of network applications. With AppPrism, you can gain individual application function control within the application. You can use AppPrism at the group level, or at a very granular per user per application level.

Integrate with existing identity infrastructure

Align your firewall security rules directly with organizational policy statements. Integration with existing network identity infrastructure enables simple deployment while aligning network security with the organization system of record. With McAfee’s Network Integrity Agent, the firewall not only shows you who initiates a session (even within VDI environments), but identifies the host application they actually used to initiate the session. This provides increased visibility into potential anomalies and threats within your network.

Leverage millions of sensors worldwide

Harness the power of 100 million sensors worldwide, providing real-time threat feeds to deliver predictive and pro-active security protection. Greatly reduce your time to protection with automated threat feeds that are delivered without taking the network firewall offline.

Identify firewall rule optimizations

Simplify the firewall’s policy in real time. Eliminate the hours spent looking for overlapping, conflicting, or inactive rules. The intuitive interface immediately identifies firewall rule optimizations, as you modify or construct rules. This high-assurance solution also delivers mature rule migration tools to help migrate from existing and legacy firewalls to McAfee Firewall Enterprise.

Optimize rules management

Centrally manage from a handful up to thousands of firewalls regardless of software version, virtual or physical firewalls, or running different platforms, including Crossbeam or CloudShield. You can also generate reports, create rules, and selectively apply antivirus, IPS signatures, URL filtering, and more from a single screen. In addition, you can correlate firewall rules to users and applications to ease planning and network troubleshooting. Integration with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (McAfee ePO) software provides a holistic view of firewall health information and an understanding of desktop and server security posture. Integration with McAfee’s SIEM solutions provides customizable views and reports for all of the firewalls within an organization.

Provide security throughout the network

Deploy robust, flexible, and scalable security across your network, precisely where it’s needed with McAfee’s diverse set of powerful platforms. McAfee’s custom-built network appliances and availability to run on Crossbeam’s X-Series platforms address all performance and port density requirements, providing up to 58 Gbps of inspected traffic throughput. Deploy network security with confidence in untrusted environments by running McAfee Firewall Enterprise on the CloudShield CS-4000 trusted cyber platform. Multi-firewall appliances can consolidate up to 32 traditional standalone firewalls into a single, easy-to-manage, and cost-effective appliance. Our firewall virtual appliances secure intra-VM traffic among hosted machines within VMware ESX servers.

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