生命周期 |
2.3 month(s) |
整株成熟时间 |
0.75 month(s) |
植物类型 |
Edible plant |
无土栽培 |
Y |
立即可用 |
Y |
非 GMO(转基因生物) |
Y |
植物生长组织 |
Fast grower (3-5 weeks) |
Garden Cress, 3 Plant Capsules, 3 - 5 weeks
<b>Lepidium sativum</b>
Grow fresh, tasty and pure greens all-year-round. Plantui Plant Capsules™ are soil-free and ready-to-use. No gardening skills needed: just place the plant capsules into the Smart Garden - the seed are already in the capsules.
Untreaded non-GMO seeds: Plantui seeds have not been treated using any chemical, biological or physical mehtod.
Our forefathers used garden cress to season their foods before the spice trade brought affordable pepper to Europe. Garden cress grows…well, like a weed, and some people think the plant’s name in many languages is derived from the Latin word crescere, which means to grow fast. Cress was also used in the old Mediterranean cultures, both as an herbal remedy and an edible green. It contains iron, folic acid and vitamins A and C. The tangy, sharpish flavour peps up salads and soups and gives a fresh edge to sandwiches or smoked salmon. The young shoots make a pretty garnish on all kinds of dishes and the bigger leaves can be used like rocket.
Untreated non-GMO seeds: have not been treated using any chemical, biological, or physical method.
If the plant grows too tall, you can cut it above 2 leaves.