最小硬盘空间 |
35 MB |
最低内存 |
128 MB |
最低处理器 |
233 MHz |
平台 |
PC, Mac, Linux |
用户数量 |
5 user(s) |
支持的介质类型 |
CD |
pcAnywhere Host 12.1 - Win32, Mac, Linux
- Add-on to pcAnywhere that makes it easy to manage additional computers and network devices remotely.
- Expands your ability to support workstations, laptops, and servers.
- Add host licenses to remotely diagnose and correct problems on more systems.
- Can be installed on Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Mac OS to enable access to files on a wide rage of host systems.
- Remote users can connect to hosts with their choice of Windows, Linux, Mac OS X or Microsoft Pocket PC systems.
- Purchase only the number of pcAnywhere Host packages you need to keep pace with growing number of systems.
- Host Invitation allows end users to reverse connect to help desk without knowing IP addresses.
- Single Session Manager combines pcAnywhere Manager and all active sessions into one tabbed window view.
- Allows Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Universal, and Microsoft Pocket PC remote systems to connect to Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X Universal hosts.
- Connection wizard guides new users through initial client-host connection.
- Mandatory password protection and login encryption ensures access only to authorized users.
- Uses FIPS 140-2-validated encryption to AES 256-bit.
- Bandwidth Auto-Detect automatically maximizes performance for each connection type.
- Remote Management tools provide direct access to operating system utilities on the host system.