最低内存 |
512 MB |
最低处理器 |
Pentium 4 (500 MHz) |
最小硬盘空间 |
500 MB |
QuickStore Point of Sale Solution Software - Professional
Pro Features:
QuickStore Pro includes all of the features offered in the Standard edition, plus the following features.
-Transaction flexibility. Use QuickStore to simplify complicated transactions, including:
--Create special orders
--Set up to 5 retail prices per item
-Integrated inventory control features simplify and automate inventory management
-Conduct cycle counts by scanning barcodes
-Automatically create purchase orders for special order items
-Conduct advanced inventory searches
-Extended reporting functionality
-Track accounts payable
-Assess finance charges to past due invoices
-Create summary invoices
-Export all available reports, including sales detail by transaction, sales summary by item and sale invoice
-Feature based security
-Customize security levels for each user
-Five available security levels
-Create standard and customized price tags, including barcodes
-Create price tags with a “Compare At” price
-Employee management features
-Cash drawer shift tracking
-Employee time clock
-The flexibility to grow with your business
-Transition to QuickStore Pro or Enterprise by purchasing upgrade licenses
-Add multiple store lanes with additional software licenses