HP 773B 775-ml Magenta Designjet Ink Cartridge Druckkopf

HP 773B 775-ml Magenta Designjet Ink Cartridge Druckkopf

EAN: 888182347829
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HP 773B 775-ml Magenta Designjet Ink Cartridge You've stepped up to offer a wider range of options—including top photo-quality applications—and meet fast turnaround times. Now, look to HP Vivid Photo Inks and HP media designed together with your printer, to help you deliver. With the HP Designjet printing system including HP Vivid Photo Inks and HP media—that provide quality, speed, and hassle-free printing—you can commit to the challenging print job and tight deadline with confidence you can satisfy your customers' expectations.

You've invested in the printer that lets you expand into top photo-image quality applications. Now choose the inks that provide the impressive results you need to deliver across a versatile array of print jobs—HP Vivid Photo Inks.

• Print a wide range of applications from line drawings to photo-quality POP displays.

You've stepped up to offer a wider range of options—and meet fast turnaround times. Now, look to HP Vivid Photo Inks and HP media, designed together with your printer, to help you respond quickly by providing quality, speed, and hassle-free printing.

• Keep your printing running smoothly with HP Vivid Photo Inks.

With the HP Designjet printing system—including HP Vivid Photo Inks and HP media—you can commit to the challenging print job and tight deadline, with confidence you can satisfy your customers' expectations. And offer even more—HP recyclable media.[2]

• Maintain high productivity, print unattended, with 775-ml Original HP ink cartridges.

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