Lelit Mara PL62X weiß Product types: Espresso machine, Semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & Oper
Lelit Gilda PL41 Plus Product types: Espresso machine, Semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & Oper
Lelit Mara PL62X silver + Eureka New Mignon Specialita Chrom 16CR Product types: Espresso machine, Semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & Oper
Lelit Mara PL62X V2 Gold Limited Edition Produkttypen: Siebträgermaschine, Kaffeehalbautomat
Leistung & Verbrauch
Leistung (W): 1.400 Watt
Pumpendruck: 15 bar
Komfort & Bedienung
Lelit Bianca PL162T-4Q30 V3 Gold Limited Edition Produkttypen: Siebträgermaschine, Kaffeehalbautomat
Leistung & Verbrauch
Leistung (W): 1.400 Watt
Komfort & Bedienung
Kaffeespezialitäten: Espresso
Lelit PL2SVH2 Guilietta Produkttypen: Siebträgermaschine, Kaffeehalbautomat
Leistung & Verbrauch
Leistung (W): 2.800 Watt
Pumpendruck: 15 bar
Komfort & Bedienung
Lelit Bianca PL162T V3 schwarz Product types: Sieve carrier machine, coffee semi-automatic
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Comfort & Operation
Coffee Specialties:
Lelit PL042EMI Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Mara PL62X + Eureka Manuale 15BL BLACK Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Mara PL62X-EUCW weiß Produkttypen: Siebträgermaschine, Kaffeehalbautomat
Leistung & Verbrauch
Leistung (W): 1.400 Watt
Pumpendruck: 15 bar
Komfort & Bedienung
Lelit Mara PL62X schwarz Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Anna PL41LEM Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.050 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit PL042EM Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Bundle Lelit Mara X V2 PL62X + Eureka New Mignon Specialita Chrom 16CR Produkttypen: Siebträgermaschine, Kaffeehalbautomat
Leistung & Verbrauch
Leistung (W): 1.400 Watt
Pumpendruck: 15 bar
Komfort & Bedienung
Lelit Bianca PL162T-EUCW White Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Comfort & Operation
Coffee Specia
Lelit Kate PL82T Product types: Sieve carrier machine, coffee semi-automatic
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & Operati
Lelit PL91T Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit PL042TEMD Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Elizabeth PL92T Product types: Sieve carrier machine, coffee semi-automatic
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.200 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & Operati
Lelit PL41TEM Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.050 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Glenda PL41 PLUST Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.250 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit Anna PL41EM Product types: Sieve carrier machine, coffee semi-automatic
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.000 Watt
Comfort & Operation
Coffee Specialties:
Lelit Bianca PL162T V3 Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Comfort & Operation
Coffee Specia
Lelit Mara PL62X silber Product types: Portafilter machine, semi-automatic coffee machine
Performance & Consumption
Power (W): 1.400 Watt
Pump pressure: 15 bar
Comfort & O
Lelit PL41PLUS Espresso machine 2.7L 2cups Stainless steel coffee maker 2.7L, 15Bar, 1200W, 9kg, Stainless steel
THE ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH COMMERCIAL GROUP\nThe commercial group of the Gilda is able to keep the brewing te