在這裡,您可以比較网络卡和适配器 ROLINE的價格,熟悉照片和技術特徵,並在其中一個可靠的在線商店中購買喜歡的模型网络卡和适配器。
ROLINE RA-1000T32 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Card Internal 1000Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE RPC-132, 10/100 PC Card, CardBus 100Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE RWA-54, W-LAN PCI Adapter, 54 Mbps 54Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE Gigabit Ethernet PCI Adapter RA-1000T32 1000Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE USB 2.0 / Gigabit Ethernet Converter 1000Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE Bluetooth 2.0 USB Stick 3Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE RA-100TX Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter 100Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE RA-100TX Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter
ROLINE RWPC-54, W-LAN CardBus Adapter, 54 Mbps 54Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE USB Fast Ethernet Adapter 100Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE USB Bluetooth 2.0 Stick 2.1Mbit/s networking card
ROLINE 11b/g/n compatible W-LAN USB Adapter, 150Mbit/s, with Antenna
ROLINE 21.18.1677
ROLINE RA-1000T32 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Adapter
ROLINE 21.18.1741
ROLINE 21.18.1753 WLAN 150Mbit/s
ROLINE 12.02.1104 Ethernet 1000Mbit/s
ROLINE 21.18.1752 WLAN 150Mbit/s
ROLINE USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Converter
ROLINE 11b/g/n compatible W-LAN USB Adapter, 150 Mbit/s, Micro
ROLINE USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Converter + Hub 3x