Lexmark 42K1595

Lexmark 42K1595

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Technical specifications

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42K1595 <b>Configure your Lexmark</b>
Provides offset stacking, stapling and hole punching with 2 mailbox bins

The Multi-position Staple Punch Finisher contains 2 mailbox bins, a standard bin and a staple bin. Each mailbox bin supports up to 125 sheets and the standard output bin supports up to 600 sheets. The staple bin supports up to 1100 sheets. The total output capacity for the finisher is up to 1950 sheets of paper.

<b>Staple Bin</b>
The staple bin supports up to 1100 sheets of plain bond paper, 16 to 24 lb. (60 to 90 gsm) for A4, A5 (long edge fed), Executive, Folio, JIS B5, Letter, Legal and Oficio sizes. Stapling of up to 10 sets of up to 50 sheets of paper is supported with 1- or 2-position stapling (long edge).

<b>Hole Punch</b>
2-, 3- or 4- hole punching (long edge) is supported to any finisher bin if the bin supports the paper size. Plain bond paper, 16 to 24 lb. (60 to 90 gsm) in A4, A5 (short edge fed), Executive, Folio, JIS B5, Letter, Oficio and Statement sizes is supported for hole punch. Note that Statement size is not supported to the staple bin.

<b>Offset Stacking</b>
Offset stacking is supported to the standard output bin for bond papers in A4, A5, A6, Executive, Folio, JIS B5, Letter, Oficio and Statement sizes.

Output bin full and output bin empty sensing is supported.

The use of this finisher requires the multifunction printer to have either 3 of the 550-Sheet Trays or the 2200-Sheet Tray installed with the caster base.

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